Seventh grade martial arts

페이지 정보

작성자 Genovese
댓글 0건 조회 123회 작성일 23-02-14 14:20


Keep running away or choose to face, everything I face is still one lie after another. I don't know what the meaning of my existence is? I don't understand. I really don't understand. Ah, ah, ah, ah! My soul seemed to disintegrate and spread in all directions with the roar. I dropped my hands feebly, took a step back, and sat back on the ground. Yao Qian turned his head and stood up, walked up to me, and kicked me hard in the abdomen. "He is useless," he said when he saw that I was just bending over and making a low cry of pain. "What a pity, what a pity." The chieftain tutted and sighed, "For such a talented person, it is really a pity to kill him like this." Yao Qian said with a smile, "How about transforming him into a berserker and becoming a dog beside the leader?" With a slightly surprised expression, the leader said, "Don't you care about your past friendship at all?" Yao Qian said respectfully: "As long as it is the person who hinders the great cause of the leader, there is no affection." The leader crossed his hands and praised Yao Qian, saying, "Very good,uns c70600, very good." Yaoqian clapped his hands and called out to his men. He said to the leader with a smile, "In order to wish the leader success, I took the lead in presenting the century-old Scotch whisky that was returned from the Fujibi auction venue at a cost of nearly US $100,000." While his men were preparing drinking glasses and ice cubes, The leader smiled and said to Yaoqian, "In addition to providing all the assets of Lin's enterprise to the Red Lin Society, you also specially brought your fiancee on board, which is enough to show your loyalty.". And the performance just now is far beyond my expectations. You are really a great talent. "Thank you for your commendation,x52 line pipe," exulted Yao Qian. The ugly words between them kept flowing into my mind. Even if the hatred in the heart continues to expand, the mind and body are like wet firewood. Even if they can be lit, they can only emit thick smoke that chokes the nose and pungent eyes. They cannot burn to their heart's content, emitting burning heat and light. After taking the wine poured by his men, Yao Qian raised his glass and said, "I'd like to propose a toast to the leader first." Then he drank all the wine in the cup. Seeing that Yao Qian drank the wine without any consideration, the leader picked up the cork that had been in the seal and smelled it for a few seconds. Then he began to savor the true taste of the wine and said, "It's really good wine." Yao Qian did not forget to seize the opportunity to flatter him, saying, "The leader's elegant temperament really makes his subordinates feel inferior." Then he picked up the bottle, filled the empty glass in his hand, walked up to me and said, "For the sake of our friendship, 12v High Torque Motor ,316 stainless steel plate, this glass of wine is my wedding feast for you." The alcohol sprinkled on my face seemed to volatilize in an instant, and a sudden chill stimulated all my senses, but also made me feel so embarrassed. The leader looked at me with a false expression of pity. In the laughter of the minions around, Yao Qian put the wine into the cup again, looked up and dried. But the next second his sudden movement, like slow motion, appeared in my eyes! Yao Qian turned his head and sprayed the wine in his mouth hard on the leader's body. At the same time, a lighted lighter appeared in his hand. The high concentration of alcohol, at this time, is like a fire dragon, frantically trying to devour the leader. "Now is the time!" Yaoqian shouted. At this time, Murong, who had been on the stake, suddenly opened his eyes, and the willow nails nailed to his palms were uprooted by him from the stake. With lightning speed, he immediately got close to the leader's back. As soon as the hand stretches out, the sword finger penetrates through the leader's neck. His face was covered with blood, which could not hide Murong's strong eyes. Murong sneered, "You died because of your conceit." When Murong pulled out his finger, a column of blood spurted out in an instant. Although the leader tried desperately to stop the flow of blood, he could not reach out to cover the wound at this time, which was supposed to provide perfect protection for the body armor, but at this time his whole body could not move freely. The leader's expression at the moment was as desperate as if he had been buried alive. Even though I could not speak, I still struggled to roar, but the sound that came to my ears was only a low howl that was more rapid than breathing. Murong wiped the blood on his hands with the corner of his clothes and said coldly, "Do you want to die?" In the side belongs to the red Linhui people, already by the sudden change to disturb the thoughts, but at the moment even want to rescue the leader in the first time, but because of the eyes of Murong, and dare not act rashly. The seamless cooperation between Murong and Yao seems to have gone through countless rehearsals. This incident has thrown all thoughts into confusion. Suddenly, I realized that all this was designed. Like a mouse running in a wheel, I was spinning in the same place from the beginning to the end. I merely provided a reasonable reason to deceive the vigilance of the leader. Murong mutiny, just let the leader want to use me completely. Everyone is calculating.. Chapter 8 GAME OVER When all the facts that I don't want to face come to my eyes, I can't resist. Yaoqian kicked me in the waist with his toes and said, "Don't play dead any more." The tone full of jokes seems to come from. Originally, I knew Yao Qian. Yao Qian said excitedly, "YES!"! You were really stunned by my excellent acting. "What did you say?" I stood up and asked with an expression of disbelief, "Are you acting?" Yao Qian pointed his middle finger at me and said, "Or what?"? Do you think I'm really that useless? Although there was a tearing pain all over my body, I still said, "This is not a dream, is it?" "Hey, hey, hey,316l stainless steel pipe, don't put on such a useless look.". Don't forget, Qingxue is waiting for you. Yao Qian shook his head and spread out his hands. "You've made her wait too long," he said with a helpless smile. 。 


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