Imperial Gas and Oil will help you multiply your funds!

페이지 정보

작성자 Rosie Raney
댓글 0건 조회 43회 작성일 23-02-18 03:02


We have made trading in gas and oil accessible to the masses of ordinary people, as it is beneficial both for them and for Imperial G&O.
Currently, Imperial G&O controls approximately 80% of the oil market in America and Canada. Demand for oil is growing all over the globe, so we have decided to quadruple our oil production and attract private investors from all over the world.
Oil prices are growing dynamically, so platform users can expect a monthly income of $10,000-15,000, on average.
Canada will increase oil and gas exports by the end of the year in order to cover the deficit in the world market, which arose as a result of restrictions on the import of Russian energy resources. This was announced by the Minister of Natural Resources of Canada.
Canada is ready to increase its energy supplies to help allies in North America and Europe overcome the energy crisis caused by the rejection of Russian fuel. They need to move away from Russian oil and gas in the short term, while accelerating the transition to other energy sources.
Canada's export pipelines are already operating at near full capacity, so there is limited room to increase supplies. However, according to the minister, Canada is considering the possibility of exporting energy resources through the United States.
The country will continue to work closely with partner countries to support international energy markets. This will facilitate an accelerated transition to other energy sources.
We work at all stages of production and sale of gas and oil. We explore, produce and transport oil and gas to our factories, where we turn them into products that people use every day.
The Canadian oil sands are a source of energy contributing to global energy security. We develop this valuable resource through innovative technologies.
Our company owns the largest oil refinery in Canada. Our refineries turn crude oil into useful products such as various gasses, chemicals, waxes, motor oils, asphalt and fuels.
The Canadian oil industry is one of the largest in the world. In terms of oil production, Canada is second only to Mexico, China, Iran, and the United States. Almost all of the oil produced in Canada is destined for the United States.
Canada's proven oil reserves are the second largest in the world, after Saudi Arabia. However, 95% of these reserves are tar sands in Alberta. The extraction of this oil is much more labor intensive than the extraction of conventional oil. To date, approximately 40% of conventional Canadian oil has already been depleted.


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